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By Ben Jones
Editor in Chief

Established in 1974 Cannington is the first greyhound race track established by the Western Australian Greyhound Racing Association or WAGRA. This racetrack was then followed by the construction of the Mandurah track in 1979 and the Northam in 1996. The additional race tracks allows for 6 race meetings and trial opportunities 6 nights a week. This allows for an incredible viewing opportunity for supporters and fans of greyhound racing. The growth of the facilities is evident in the annual growth of their weekly races with nearly 5000 patrons routinely supporting the events. During their New Year celebration the Parks saw more than to 15,000 people attend the race.

Western Australia Greyhound Guide - WA Greyhound Tracks


Cannington holds races twice a week with each of those days being filled with 8-12 races. Each race will include 8 greyhounds who race on a sand racetrack with a 446.5m circumference. Race distances span from 297m, 530m, 642m, 715m and 744m. These all pertain to the old race track. The new Cannington racetrack is currently being built behind the old track with hopes of being finished by November of 2015.


Holding races three times a week, the Mandurah arena holds country grade and provincial racing. Race nights usually include 11-14 races that take the normal bets of the top 3 and a quartet option is available. The Mandurah track is 599m in circumference and holds races from 302, 405, 492, and 647 meters.


Northam was the latest track constructed and holds country grade races that were created specifically for younger greyhounds and lower grade dogs. During their race schedule there are usually 10-12 races scheduled for each meeting. The races at Northam span from 297m, 509m, 588m, and 721m respectively. It is also the first track in Western Australia to be built inside a trotting venue which is a more common characteristic of the Eastern states.


The popularity of greyhound racing continues to grow and produce large number of patrons to the Cannington arena. The feature race or main event is one of the most popular events the city holds and sponsors have the ability to help their brand by being a part of that process. The regular weekly events attract a large diverse crowd allowing more than adequate amounts of promotion for any sponsor who gets involved.

Food and Entertainment

While the Cannington is going through construction the restaurant that was there is not open. Checkers will be reopening with the newly constructed Cannington race track. In the other two venues they have great restaurants to entertain their patrons. The Mandurah is home to Chasers restaurant. The have seating from 100-300 people and can be the perfect setting for a group of all sizes. They offer great meals as well as a buffet that holds one of the strongest reputations in the country.

The Mandurah is one of the best places to hold weddings and family events as well. The highly regarded chef and fully adaptable staff will make your wedding day memorable.

The Mal Atwell Leisure Group also hosts bingo at the Cannington Checkers restaurant on Mondays and Fridays. This is another family entertainment event that allows for everyone to enjoy the ambiance of the WA greyhound festivities.

For over 40 years now the Western Australian greyhounds have provided family fun entertainment and betting for their patrons. Constructing new state of the art facilities and restaurants to accommodate their wide and growing audience has played a major role in their success. To compliment the high level of entertainment they also provide adoption opportunities for greyhounds. Many of the greyhounds go up for adoption once they are deemed unable to perform at their highest ability and this offers an opportunity for families and fans to bring them into their family.